While convening a couple of White House Business Council roundtable meetings last week in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, I met with a diverse group of businesses large and small. Their message to me was clear: while we are facing a tough economy, businesses in the region are eager to move forward, grow, and hire.
With my background in the private sector, I know how difficult it can be to operate a business during challenging times. Business leaders want certainty so they can make strategic decisions about investments and hiring. And they want to know that they have a partner in government to help them grow and succeed.
The White House Business Council roundtables are part of an important effort to build relationships with business leaders across the country, sending senior administration leaders like myself to hear directly from businesses on how we can further the administration’s commitment to grow the economy and put Americans back to work.
Several attendees mentioned ways that we can help the economy: by accelerating trade agreements to open more opportunities to domestic businesses, by investing in our infrastructure here in America, building roads and bridges and creating jobs, and by educating and training our workforce to fill the jobs of tomorrow. Several of these suggestions echo the President’s comments last week on the common sense steps he sees to grow the economy.
During my meetings in Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati, I heard from a strong regional business community that wants to grow and wants to create jobs. This administration is committed to being a strong partner to the business community in this region, and making sure their voice is heard as we work to add momentum to our economic growth.